Q-01. What are the requirements for admissions? 
•What should I prepare?
• What kind of documents should I submit for admissions?
• What is the application process?
└ It partially depends on nationality, so please check the [Application Regular] on the our website first. And contact us for questions.
Q-02. How can I get the application form? 
• I can't find the application form.
•Where can I get the application form?
└ Our application form is available on the website (http://koreansli.skku.edu) and you also can directly request it to us.
Q-03. What is a certified copy for school record? Is it necessary? 
• Is there any special procedure I should care for in the process?
• Can I submit the original copy of the documents directly?
└ All applicants must submit certified copy of their school record. They have 2 options: Apostille and Korean consular's legalization; other ways are not acceptable. Apostille is not possible in all countries but only signatory states. In case an applicant's home country is not one of them, the one's only option is Korean consular's legalization. Check with the Korean embassy and get advised for their process.
Q-04. Can I submit records of my college, instead of secondary school? 
• Is a high school diploma only acceptable?
• For school records, what kind of documents do I have to submit?
└ Not only secondary schools, any official certificate from higher education program are acceptable. It must be official copy certified by Apostille or Korean consular legalization.
Q-05. What is a Korean sponsorship? Am I required to submit it?
• What is the 「The Letter of Guarantee」?
• 「The Letter of Guarantee」 is necessary?
└ Korean sponsorship is required to applicants whose nationality is designated by our Ministry of Justice. This is designed to verify the reference of students from “21 designated countries of high rate of illegal stay”. Sponsors must be a citizen who can report their regular income. Anyone who doesn’t meet these requirements cannot be regarded as Korean sponsorship for the registration. ☞ Reference Document: No.5 "법무부 지정 불법체류다발국가 목록"
Q-06. Can I know why I was not admitted?
└ We do not provide a specific reason for why you were denied since multiple factors are taken into consideration in our admission decision.
Q-07. Can I defer my admission? 
• I am admitted but need to change my starting date for some reasons.
• Is study permit still available when I receive the admission but don’t attend the school?
└ Admittees are able to request a defferal by submitting a letter via email no later than their tuition payment date or start date. This letter must include why you have to postpone your start date and when you want to newly start. We will review your letter and approve the deferral if appropriate. If disapproved, the student have to reapply later.
Q-08. What is a process for cancellations or leave of absence? 
• I want to quit my study.
• Can I have a break for a while and come back later?
• Can I leave in the middle of study?
└ Visit our office and start an application process for your cancellation or leave of absence. Bring a copy of your bank account for your tuition refund if necessary. Our refund rate depends on the date of your application.
Q-09. Can I start my D4 application after my arrival? 
• I got my admission letter but want to get my D4 after arrival.
• Is it possible to change my status while studying?
└ Status change into D4 is not always possible but depend on an applicant's nationality and entering status. Contact the Immigration Service if you are eligible and prepare for the process. However, we strongly recommend finish your D4 process before your departure. If you want to chage your status in the middle of your study, visit our office.
Q-10. How can I apply to the SKKU residence? 
• Is a SLI student can apply for the SKKU dorm?
• How much is the dormitory fee?
• I’d like to get some information about how to apply school residence.
└ We are sorry, but our students are not eligible to apply for the SKKU residential service; they have to fine private housing on their own.
Q-11. I missed my tuition payment due date. Can I have extension?
• Can I pay my tuition later than the due date?
• Can I pay my tuition after arrival?
└ Ask us via email for the due date extension. However, make an early request, because late payment should be a reason for our admission withdrawal. D4 applicants must finish their payment to receive our admission package. Incomplete payment withholds admission process.
Q-12. Can I pay my tuition fee by cash or credit card? 
• Is the bank transfer only way to pay the tuition fee?
• How can I pay the tuition fee?
└ We accept a bank transfer service only. Other payment methods including credit card or cash is not acceptable.
Q-13. Do you provide financial aid to students? 
• I’d like to get information about a scholarship from SLI./p>
• How can I apply for your scholarship?
• Can I apply for any scholarship?
└ No, we do not provide finacial aid.
Q-14. My current level is too easy/hard for me. Can I change it?
• I'd like to change the level of class.
• What should I do for trasfering to another class?
• I’d like to be transferred to other class with my friend.
└ Students who want to change class level need to consult a class teacher about assigning class. It is on a teacher of the class based on the objective evaluation results from the prior test.
Q-15. Where can I get the textbook? 
• I’d like to get some information about the textbook.
•Is the textbook provided?
• Do I need to purchase the textbook by myself?
└ Textbook differs on the level of class. After assigned class, go to the SKKU bookstore, located on B3 in the Business building.
Q-16. Is there any benefit from taking a course in SLI when applying for degrees? 
• Can I apply for degree programs of SKKU after just taking course in SLI?
•Is it necessary to take courses in SLI before applying degree programs?
└ Taking courses in SLI doesn’t meet requirement for admission to SKKU degree programs. All applicants need a TOPIK proficiency level.